Keep Shedding at Bay
Shedding can be a B*&ch (excuse my French) and it has a close sister called breakage. First off let me differentiate between shedding and breakage. Shedding occurs when a strand of hair naturally falls. This is confirmed if the strand of hair has a white bulb at one end of a strand. Breakage, on the other hand, occurs when a strand of hair cuts anywhere between the root and the ends.
Normally, hair shedding should be between 50 to 100 stands a day and anything more should be something to worry about. Factor in some of these situations if you have been experiencing excessive shedding; Stress, Just given birth, Medication, Improper diet, Drastic weight loss or Discontinued birth control. Visit a Dermatologist to seek help if you have ruled out the mentioned possible causes for professional advice.
In my case, the 'normal' 50 to 100 strands a day is still alot and I have attempted to bring down that number using different natural methods that I will share shortly. I experience excessive shedding after a long worn protective style but 'normal' shedding on regular days. Here are some of the things I have tried and have worked great in combating shedding.
Henna Oil
Henna is great for hair because it bonds well with keratin which is what hair is made of. Henna treatment is more similar to a protein treatment because it strengthens the hair making it resilient to breakage and damage. And just like a protein treatment you have to follow up with a moisturizing treatment to strike the moisture-protein balance. There are other modification to the henna treatment (other than the common henna paste) one of them I came across was on Nina's Blog, My Big Fat Afro, called henna gloss. Click here to check it out. My way of incorporating henna in my hair regimen is by making henna oil. This DIY oil is obtained by infusing henna powder in a warm carrier oil of your choice.
1 cup full of hot water,
An airtight glass bottle ( i recycled a hot sauce bottle),
Carrier oil ( I used extra virgin coconut oil)
3tbsp Henna powder ( I prefer this one from South Sudan)
(Play around with these measurements to your hair's liking)
Sanitize your bottle by dipping it into boiling hot water and leave it to air dry ( do not towel dry). Once your bottle is ready, pour in the carrier oil and dip the bottle in the cup halfway filled with hot water. Allow it to warm up then add the henna and let it sit for 5min. The warm oil allows the henna to infuse with ease. Take it out of the cup, sieve or strain the oil and store it in a cool dark place.
This oil is ready to use immediately or after a week or 2 if you choose to give it more time. It can be used as a hot oil treatment or by adding it into your weekly moisturizing deep conditioning treatment to create the perfect moisture-protein-like balance. Additional benefits of henna for hair is that it reduces shedding, it's an anti-dandruff treatment and promotes hair growth. The great thing about henna oil is that you can use it weekly unlike henna paste/gloss that is usually done once a month, once in two months or even once in three months.
Tea based spritz mix
For my daily spritzing, I like using water based drinks such as tea. Green tea and black tea are better known for blocking the hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is one of the causes of hair loss/fall. The caffeine content in tea reverses the negative effects of DHT on hair follicles therefore reduces shedding and promotes hair growth. Green tea is mostly preferred for a spritz mix as opposed to black tea because the caffeine level in black tea is higher than in green tea. Black tea is great as rinse that can be done weekly while green tea can be used daily or every other day. You can only use one of the two and not both at the same time because too much caffeine can, allegedly, stunt hair growth.
For the spritz mix, brew green tea using distilled water (to pro-long the shelf life of the spritz) and allow it to steep overnight. Use 1tea bag for 1cup of water and this will last a week. To the tea add aloe vera gel,vegetable glycerine, oil mix and a tea spoon of conditioner of your choice ( feel free to add or take away these ingredients) and keep it refrigerated only if coconut oil is not included in your oil mix. This spritz is great for daily spraying on loose hair or hair in a protective style.
Green tea is not only great for shedding but it stimulates hair growth and makes the hair soft and shinny. It's antioxidant properties makes it great for facials, masks and mists/setting sprays for the skin. Read more about how I incorporate green tea in my skin care routine here.
The 2 tonics that I have been loving are Nettle and Rosemary tonics. Nettle (stinging nettle) is great for stimulating hair growth as well as reducing shedding. Another added benefit is that it can helps combat dry scalp by stimulating the scalp to produce natural oils aka sebum. Rosemary is known for stimulating the scalp that increases blood circulation therefore promoting hair growth. It is also know for enhancing shine and aid in hair loss recovery. There are 2 ways to make tonics, alcohol based and water based, I prefer water based.
A water based tonic is made just like you would brew tea. Bring 1 cup of distilled water to a boil and pour in a cup or glass container, add 1table spoon of nettle leaves or powder/ rosemary leaves or powder and let it steep overnight. Strain it and store it in the fridge (It can last up to 6 months if you keep it refrigerated). Pour out small amount depending on your method of application i.e. apply it as you would a tea rinse (this can be used as a weekly rinse) or incorporate it into you spritz bottle as a base. I use it as a base in my spritz bottle and I alternate with the tea based spritz.
So that is it folks, 3 all natural methods on how to keep shedding at bay.The amazing thing about these methods is that you get more than 1 benefit from them. You can start out by trying to reduce shedding but end up promoting growth, shine, softness, strength and clearing dandruff/flacky scalp. Killing 6 birds with one stone is a WIN! actually a YEGO WIN! in the natural hair world.
Let me know if you have tried any of the tips above but I urge you to follow the above methods at your own discretion. Anything you would like to suggest? Leave me a comment down below.
Later Loves
Normally, hair shedding should be between 50 to 100 stands a day and anything more should be something to worry about. Factor in some of these situations if you have been experiencing excessive shedding; Stress, Just given birth, Medication, Improper diet, Drastic weight loss or Discontinued birth control. Visit a Dermatologist to seek help if you have ruled out the mentioned possible causes for professional advice.
In my case, the 'normal' 50 to 100 strands a day is still alot and I have attempted to bring down that number using different natural methods that I will share shortly. I experience excessive shedding after a long worn protective style but 'normal' shedding on regular days. Here are some of the things I have tried and have worked great in combating shedding.
Henna Oil
Henna is great for hair because it bonds well with keratin which is what hair is made of. Henna treatment is more similar to a protein treatment because it strengthens the hair making it resilient to breakage and damage. And just like a protein treatment you have to follow up with a moisturizing treatment to strike the moisture-protein balance. There are other modification to the henna treatment (other than the common henna paste) one of them I came across was on Nina's Blog, My Big Fat Afro, called henna gloss. Click here to check it out. My way of incorporating henna in my hair regimen is by making henna oil. This DIY oil is obtained by infusing henna powder in a warm carrier oil of your choice.
1 cup full of hot water,
An airtight glass bottle ( i recycled a hot sauce bottle),
Carrier oil ( I used extra virgin coconut oil)
3tbsp Henna powder ( I prefer this one from South Sudan)
(Play around with these measurements to your hair's liking)
Sanitize your bottle by dipping it into boiling hot water and leave it to air dry ( do not towel dry). Once your bottle is ready, pour in the carrier oil and dip the bottle in the cup halfway filled with hot water. Allow it to warm up then add the henna and let it sit for 5min. The warm oil allows the henna to infuse with ease. Take it out of the cup, sieve or strain the oil and store it in a cool dark place.
This oil is ready to use immediately or after a week or 2 if you choose to give it more time. It can be used as a hot oil treatment or by adding it into your weekly moisturizing deep conditioning treatment to create the perfect moisture-protein-like balance. Additional benefits of henna for hair is that it reduces shedding, it's an anti-dandruff treatment and promotes hair growth. The great thing about henna oil is that you can use it weekly unlike henna paste/gloss that is usually done once a month, once in two months or even once in three months.
Tea based spritz mix
For my daily spritzing, I like using water based drinks such as tea. Green tea and black tea are better known for blocking the hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is one of the causes of hair loss/fall. The caffeine content in tea reverses the negative effects of DHT on hair follicles therefore reduces shedding and promotes hair growth. Green tea is mostly preferred for a spritz mix as opposed to black tea because the caffeine level in black tea is higher than in green tea. Black tea is great as rinse that can be done weekly while green tea can be used daily or every other day. You can only use one of the two and not both at the same time because too much caffeine can, allegedly, stunt hair growth.
For the spritz mix, brew green tea using distilled water (to pro-long the shelf life of the spritz) and allow it to steep overnight. Use 1tea bag for 1cup of water and this will last a week. To the tea add aloe vera gel,vegetable glycerine, oil mix and a tea spoon of conditioner of your choice ( feel free to add or take away these ingredients) and keep it refrigerated only if coconut oil is not included in your oil mix. This spritz is great for daily spraying on loose hair or hair in a protective style.
Green tea is not only great for shedding but it stimulates hair growth and makes the hair soft and shinny. It's antioxidant properties makes it great for facials, masks and mists/setting sprays for the skin. Read more about how I incorporate green tea in my skin care routine here.
The 2 tonics that I have been loving are Nettle and Rosemary tonics. Nettle (stinging nettle) is great for stimulating hair growth as well as reducing shedding. Another added benefit is that it can helps combat dry scalp by stimulating the scalp to produce natural oils aka sebum. Rosemary is known for stimulating the scalp that increases blood circulation therefore promoting hair growth. It is also know for enhancing shine and aid in hair loss recovery. There are 2 ways to make tonics, alcohol based and water based, I prefer water based.
A water based tonic is made just like you would brew tea. Bring 1 cup of distilled water to a boil and pour in a cup or glass container, add 1table spoon of nettle leaves or powder/ rosemary leaves or powder and let it steep overnight. Strain it and store it in the fridge (It can last up to 6 months if you keep it refrigerated). Pour out small amount depending on your method of application i.e. apply it as you would a tea rinse (this can be used as a weekly rinse) or incorporate it into you spritz bottle as a base. I use it as a base in my spritz bottle and I alternate with the tea based spritz.
So that is it folks, 3 all natural methods on how to keep shedding at bay.The amazing thing about these methods is that you get more than 1 benefit from them. You can start out by trying to reduce shedding but end up promoting growth, shine, softness, strength and clearing dandruff/flacky scalp. Killing 6 birds with one stone is a WIN! actually a YEGO WIN! in the natural hair world.
- Kilimanjaro Infusions Green Tea bought it at Ksh.245 at Tuskys Supermarket, Also available in other supermarkets.
- Henna bought at Ksh.55 at Jaharis Supermarket. Also available at Perida Centre and surrounding shops.
- Nettle bought it for Ksh.75 at Jaharis Supermarket. Locally produced by Nimba Enterprices. If you are not near any Jaharis supermarket contact them through Tel: 0720 503170 or email:
- Rosemary leaves, I own a bush but you can purchase branches from the supermarket or ladies selling at the CBD in the evening.
Let me know if you have tried any of the tips above but I urge you to follow the above methods at your own discretion. Anything you would like to suggest? Leave me a comment down below.
Later Loves
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